Add-Ons Order Form for Plans

Please use the Order Form below to add features to your account.

Please note that payment is not required at the time you fill out the form.  We will send you an email to let you know the amount you will need to pay for the add-ons to cover your current three-month hosting period.  Depending on the amount involved, it may be payable within seven days or we may just ask you to pay it when you pay for your next three-month hosting period.  Payment is by credit card (Mastercard or VISA) or PayPal Account.

Our current pricing schedule for add-ons is shown below.  Please note that prices may change without notice.

Parked DomainAU$33.00
Additional Sub DomainAU$33.00
Additional FTP AccountAU$16.50
Hosting Plan DowngradeAU$16.50
Additional MySQL DatabaseAU$33.00 3.30 9.90 39.60
  5 Additional POP Mail BoxesAU$ 2.20 6.60 26.40
10 Additional POP Mail BoxesAU$ 4.0012.00 48.00
20 Additional POP Mail BoxesAU$ 6.4019.20 76.80
100 MB Additional Disk SpaceAU$ 1.20 3.30 12.00
200 MB Additional Disk SpaceAU$ 1.80 4.80 18.00
500 MB Additional Disk SpaceAU$ 3.60 9.60 36.00
1,000 MB Additional Disk SpaceAU$ 6.0015.60 60.00
  1 GB BandwidthAU$ 2.40 6.60 25.20
  5 GB BandwidthAU$10.2028.80112.80
10 GB BandwidthAU$18.0051.00194.40

Other Charges
Excess Trafic (Bandwidth overflow) incurred in one month AU$2.40 for each 100MB above the assigned quota

Please note that all prices above include Goods and Services Tax (GST) for Australian customers.

Which domain should we add the features to?
Your email address:

Please tick the feature(s) you would like to add to your account and fill out the relevant additional information.
Park a Domain on my Domain Name of Domain to Park:
Additional SubDomain Number of SubDomains needed:
Additional FTP Account Number of FTP Accounts needed
Downgrade to another Hosting Plan Name of the new Hosting Plan:
Additional MySQL Database Number of MySQL Databases needed
Additional Mail boxes Number of POP Mail boxes needed:
Additional Disk Space Number of MB needed:
Additional Traffic (Bandwidth) Number of GB needed:
